Prayer is communication with our God who loves us and desires to be in relationship with us. You can offer up your prayer requests using the form below and select how you would like your prayers directed:
Prayers of the Faithful at Mass - select this if you would like your prayers to be spoken in the Prayers of the Faithful at Sunday Mass.
Online Prayer Requests Page - if you would like your prayers to be posted on our new Prayer Requests page for all to see.
St. Therese Prayer Chain - the Intercessory Prayer group, also known as the Prayer Chain, is composed of parishioners committed to praying for the urgent needs of parishioners. If you or a family member is in need of prayer for a special intention, select the ministry below or call the parish office at 206-325-2711 ext. 210. Requests will be passed on promptly to members of the Prayer Chain. Prayer Chain members are bound to confidentiality.
Note: all prayers will be reviewed to address any privacy concerns before being directed. You can also call the Parish Office at 206-325-2711 ext. 210.