This Sunday’s second reading is the fourth from James with one more coming next week. James is only five chapters long and an easy read being devoid of, say, St. Paul’s tortured worries over Christian ethics versus the law or the meaning of the crucifixion.
"Where jealousy and selfish ambition exist, there is disorder and every foul practice.” Oh, my! Ain’t it the truth! Even the history of the Church, even recent history, has harvested the disorder and foul practices sown by jealousy and selfish ambition.
Jealousy and ambition can even raise its head among lay ministers. People who write about ministry even have a word for these ministers: “over-involved.” There are times after long years of service that people carve out a territory in a parish and find themselves in conflict over their ministry. If you find yourself defensive, angry and stubborn, it’s time to realize that you have done your service, and now it’s time to let another serve.
If you would like to help St. Therese bear good fruit, please look at the list of
ministries and talents that are on the home page of If you have questions, please ask Diane Figaro at or Nicole at Please let Diane know how you would like to support your parish with your time and talents.
Thank you to all who helped on our
Tiny House Project! Construction is expected it to be completed by September 26. The house will be blessed during the St. Therese Feast Day Celebration on October 3, 1:00 – 3:00 p.m. and moved to one of the Low Income Housing Institute’s Tiny House Villages soon thereafter. Thanks also to Brian Lenz of Walsh Construction for construction supervision and many local businesses for supplies.
Donations to both the Tiny House Project and to St. Vincent’s can be made from the home page of
Ministry Opportunities Do you have expertise with online marketing? The Stewardship Commission is looking to put together a digital outreach team and could need your help! If you can serve, please contact John Russell at
Parish Collections This fiscal year July 1, 2021 – September 9, 2021.….... $72,414
The budget….…. $75,000
Last year at this time….…. $72,748