In today’s Gospel, a vineyard owner goes to the town square during the day to hire laborers. At the end of the day, he rewards each equally regardless of how much they worked, arousing resentment in those who labored longest. This parable is very much like the Prodigal Son, where the younger son squanders his inheritance in debauchery while the older stays home to tend to his father’s business. Yet the younger is forgiven upon his repentance, which makes the older feel unappreciated and resentful.
The problem, of course, is that we do not understand God’s generosity. We want God to act like man. We want to make God in our own image. Our sense of justice is at odds with a god who dispenses mercy generously. But as Isaiah proclaimed centuries before these parables were told, “My ways are not your ways”. Keep the faith and accept God’s mercy.
Father Maurice has announced that if attendance at the 11:00 mass reaches 50, he will restart the 8:30 mass. Currently attendance is a bit over 30. Masks are worn, social distancing is in force, there is no communal singing (sob!) and there is lots of ventilation. Use Sign Up! from the website or your phone to reserve a spot, though currently there is plenty of room for walk-ups. Y’all come! (If you use Sign Up! on your phone, the button is at the bottom of the scroll, not on the right were it appears on a computer.)
Let us be generous with our financial resources:
Finally, join the Social Justice Commission! If there was ever a moment that St Therese needs a Social Justice Commission it is now! If you want to work for justice, email Trisha Tinsley at