One can get all tied up in theological discussions of works versus faith or notions of righteousness and so forth. In Matthew’s parable of the last judgement, Jesus keeps it simple: take care of the least of your brothers and sisters. Note that “all the nations of the world” are assembled, not just Israel, and that the kingdom was prepared “from the foundation of the world”. Carrying for others less fortunate is that was important, is important and ever will be important for all people at all times in all places.
In case you haven’t heard, this is Stewardship time. Please take a look at your budget as a spiritual exercise. Consider your commitments and your gratitude and make some decisions from your heart. I would ask you to put your generosity first in your budget and then squeeze the rest in. There are a lot of demands on your generosity: food banks are facing record demands, St. Vincent de Paul is struggling to keep many in southeast Seattle in their homes, and St. Therese needs your support.
As you know, the St Therese budget is showing a deficit. Among all the demands on your generosity, please take care of your parish! Over that last dozen years or so the budget has gotten leaner and leaner. There really isn’t anything left to cut. Closing our deficit requires about a 10% increase in giving. I know that for many of you, that is not possible but for those who can, it will help make your parish sustainable. For those who can’t, please give what you can from your resources.
You probably received a pledge card in the mail this week. Please return it or go the website and click on the Stewardship Pledge button in the middle of the home page.
If you give on PushPay, please open the app on your phone, search on Saint Therese Church and update your recurring gift amount.
On Jesus’ list of actions is visiting the imprisoned. A fairly new prison ministry called One Parish One Prisoner has been developed recently. Our neighbor St Joseph Parish has been active in this ministry for a couple of years. For more information, please look at the article in Northwest Catholic, “For Parishes and Prisoners, a Chance for Transformation”. (Sorry, it’s not available online. A hardcopy is available in the vestibule of the church or at the parish center.)
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! Please remember to sacrifice your togetherness in the name of keeping everyone both inside and outside your home safe from the coronavirus. Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday but Ann and I are going to forego our big family dinner in favor of a rather chilly dinner with only our daughter and her friend on the front porch. This year we are extra-thankful for our health.