Happy Birthday, Church! Today is Pentecost, the anniversary of the coming of the Holy Spirit! It is the Spirit that converts Peter the impetuous Galilean fisherman into the fearless and eloquent spokesman of the Twelve, and as Paul states in First Corinthians, it is the spirit that enflames all of us who proclaim that “Jesus is Lord.”
The scene in Acts emphasizes the universal nature of the Good News coming out of Galilee, of all places, that unsophisticated backwater of Judea. Paul emphasizes that the good news will include everyone not only geographically but regardless of one’s talents, temperament or personality: “To each individual the manifestation of the Spirit is given for some benefit.” Alleluia! Alleluia! We are all gifted and all have some service to give!
Speaking of service, the Annual Catholic Appeal is now in full swing. The ACA provides over one-third of the financial resources that makes possible the work of the Church in Western Washington including work that parishes cannot do by themselves and as well as providing the parishes with professional expertise and collective buying power for the parishes’ own work.
You can support the work of the Church of Western Washington by clicking on this link: Annual Catholic Appeal.
During this Covid-19 crisis, we can best love each other by honoring the Governor’s “Stay Home / Stay Healthy” order. In Washington, doctors’ and dentists’ offices are joining stores, state parks, golf courses and other businesses as we begin to reopen. This is not a good time to relax, however! In Washington, 67% of confirmed cases are of people under 60 but 91% of deaths are of people 60 or older. Wear masks when inside public places andrespect the social distancing rules until we defeat this disease!
You can make a contribution online at st-therese.org and clicking on the “Donate Now” button or use the Push-Pay app on your phone. If you are giving through automatic transfers, please go onto your phone and download the Push-Pay app. When you get to “search for your church” enter “saint therese.” Be sure to send a note to Diane Figaro at paa@st-therese.cc so she can discontinue your automatic transfer through our current agent. Of course, checks are also accepted. The mailing address of the office is 3416 E. Marion Street, Seattle, 98122.
Contributions to St Vincent de Paul can be made at their website: https://interland3.donorperfect.net/weblink/weblink.aspx?name=E346699&id=5(specify St. Therese Conference) or mailed to the parish office at the above address. Make checks payable to the St Vincent de Paul Society.