Some who had come down from Judea were instructing the brothers,
“Unless you are circumcised according to the Mosaic practice, you cannot be saved.” Because there arose no little dissension and debate by Paul and Barnabas with them, it was decided that Paul, Barnabas, and some of the others should go up to Jerusalem to the apostles and elders about this question.
Acts 15:1-2
Happy Sixth Sunday of Easter !
From the beginning, discerning the will of God has been difficult, even for Peter and Paul. Paul is very concerned for Christian unity and recognizes the authority of Peter and James, the leader of the Jerusalem church, and so travels to Jerusalem to discuss the issue of whether gentile converts needed to follow the Mosaic law.
The question of authority still sits with us today. The Roman Catholic Church long ago decided to let it reside with the Bishop of Rome in consultation with his brother bishops. (Yes, those masculine pronouns are issues very much worthy of continued discussion.)
The pastor of the Church of Western Washington is our Archbishop, Paul Etienne. Which brings us to the Annual Catholic Appeal. The Appeal is the main funding sources of the Church of Western Washington, accounting for almost half its revenue ( Parishes benefit directly from Archdiocesan services in terms of the management of staff payroll and services and consultation on facilities, personnel matters, religious education, liturgy and loans for facilities. The ACA also helps fund the training of seminarians, the CYO camps and athletics, the marriage tribunal and much more. The largest single use of funds goes to the Catholic Schools Department, which oversees 72 schools serving almost 20,000 students.
Ministry Opportunities Wonder why there was no live-stream of mass the Sunday after Easter? Our ministers needed a week off, so there was no one to tend to the equipment! We need some tech support from the faithful. If you can work a computer, you can manage the live stream. Email Nicole at
The parish garden is springing up and needs your help! If you like to get your hands into the Earth but don’t have a garden, this is the ministry for you! All produce goes to kitchens for the homeless. Contact Victoria Ries at to get down and dirty.