There it is again, the angelic comfort, “Do not be afraid.” This time, however, it comes from Jesus, who is pulling his inner circle back together after they have been terrified by the Transfiguration. They have just witnessed their rabbi, with whom they have been trudging all over Judea and Galilee for months, being transformed in white bright light, evoking the visions of Daniel. The voice of God tells them that their rabbi is God’s son, and they are filled with a fear that drives them to the ground. One might think that being honored to see the divine would be a comforting thing; it was anything but.
St Therese has been through some difficult times stretching for more than a decade now. We are only half the size we once were. There are not enough priests for us to have a full-time pastor, and the Archbishop has been given choices to make on reorganizing the South Seattle Deanery. We could be driven to the ground in fear. Fortunately, Fr. Maurice has championed a strategic planning process in the Pastoral Council that is bearing fruit. We are gaining new parishioners, and we have a new administrator who has more time to devote to the parish. Be not afraid.
There is God’s work to do! Our Social Justice Commission needs members (Trisha Tinsley, ). The Stewardship Commission needs people to host the Welcome Counter before and after mass. We need a couple of photographers, and we need help with our Laudato Si’ at St T efforts to care for our grounds. Contact me at if you are interested in these efforts.
If you are giving to St T through automatic transfers, please go onto your phone and download the Pushpay app. When you get to “search for your church” enter “saint therese”. Be sure to send a note to Diane Figaro at so she can discontinue your automatic transfer through our current agent.