Mary Madalene, one of the women who followed Jesus from Galilee according to all the Gospels, goes to the tomb as soon as she can on the first day after the Sabbath. The rabbi she followed for three years all over Galilee, Samaria and Judea has been executed by the Romans for sedition to please the temple authorities who hated him for his heresies but also feared the he would bring Rome down on their heads, an event that was about forty years in the future. She must have been scared yet she is drawn by grief, all alone in the dark before the dawn.
And she discovers the body missing! Suspecting that the temple authorities or the Romans were not content with merely killing him, she runs to Simon Peter and the disciple whom Jesus loved and reports the theft: “They have taken the Lord from the tomb, and we don’t know where they put him.” The two disciples race to the tomb, find only burial cloths . . . and are completely mystified, for “they did not understand the Scripture that he had to rise from the dead.”
To be continued!
During this Covid-19 crisis, we can best love each other by honoring the Governor’s “Stay Home / Stay Healthy” order. We must defeat this disease before it totally overwhelms our health care system, killing not only its direct victims but those who cannot get care because its victims have flooded the system.
We know that many parishioners have been laid off or furloughed in these tragic times. If you are one of the fortunate households who still have their regular income, please remember both your parish and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your parish would like to keep our staff intact, and the demands on St. Vincent are greater than ever.
You can make a contribution online at and clicking on the “Donate Now” button or use the Push-Pay app on your phone. If you are giving through automatic transfers, please go onto your phone and download the Push-Pay app. When you get to “search for your church” enter “saint therese.” Be sure to send a note to Diane Figaro at so she can discontinue your automatic transfer through our current agent. Of course, checks are also accepted. The mailing address of the office is 3416 E. Marion Street, Seattle, 98122.
Contributions to St Vincent de Paul can be made at their website: St. Therese Conference) or mailed to the parish office at the above address. Make checks payable to the St Vincent de Paul Society.