In today’s gospel, Jesus talks about four reactions to the word: lacking understanding, falling away due to conflict, faith choked by worldly anxiety and finally, those who understand, who withstand conflict, and who trust in God.
Of the three, the third resonates most strongly for me. I have often heard that we live in an age of anxiety, but I think that worldly anxiety is a constant. If anything, most of us live demonstrably well. A few years ago, a friend of mine, a Boeing engineer who immigrated from Syria in his youth, was trying to get his sister and her family out. They had fled the violence and were living in caves. He once remarked that “we live like kings here.” Yet we worry about our jobs and our financial security. Let us trust in God, live modestly and be generous.
For those of you who missed our Vigil for Social Justice, you can find the video by going to and clicking on the Facebook logo in the upper right or searching on St Therese Seattle in Facebook.
Let us support Father in a smooth transition to reopening the Church for mass. Contact Nicole St. Hilaire at to volunteer to be an usher or Diane Figaro at for safety concerns.
And let us be generous with our financial resources:
Finally, join the Social Justice Commission! The Commission has but three members. It needs at least five more. If there was ever a moment that St Therese needs a Social Justice Commission it is now! If you want to work for justice, email Trisha Tinsley at