God saw how good it was. Seven times in Genesis 1:1-22
Happy Easter Sunday!
he first reading of the Easter Vigil is the first creation story, Genesis 1:1-22.
It is poetic, full of startling imagery and forceful action as God creates heaven and earth, plants and animals and humankind, male and female, in six dramatic days.
Each act of creation ends in the chorus, “God saw how good it was.”
God gives humanity “dominion” over creation but this does not imply an unbounded right to exploit, for God remains the ruler over God’s creation. We have come to a time when individual human action has brought God’s creation to a very unstable place. We have ignored the warnings of scientist for over a hundred years and have only come to taking them seriously when their predictions became undeniably obvious.
In Laudato Si’, Caring for Our Common Home, Pope Francis warns that the only way out is to live more simply.
On Easter Sunday after the 11:30 Mass, St. Therese will have a community festival with activities for the kids, displays of ministries and music!!!
The Creation Care Network is holding a summit, Turning the Tide, on Saturday, April 22, on the campus of Seattle University. Please check out all about the network and its gathering by clicking here.
Dear Lord God, You alone are the source of every good gift and the mystery of each human life. We thank you for creation and for your tender, faithful love. Fill our minds with the Gospel of your son Jesus and fill our hearts with his compassion. Send your spirit to grant us wisdom, that our gratitude may bind us together into a community of faith and a caring people. Give us the courage to express our gratitude first as we discern how to be good stewards of the gifts entrusted to us, that we may do the work for your Kingdom. In your Son’s name we pray,