Happy 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time! Auction Report For the first time this year, the School Auction became a School-Parish auction with the Parish receiving half the revenue from the auctioning of items; sponsorships, restricted funds and other revenue sources went solely to the school. The goal embedded in the parish budget was $15,000 but we received $17,076!
Support the Annual Catholic Appeal! Our goal $45,349 Contributions to date: $28,093 Remaining Needed: $17,256 Participation by households to date: 64 Participation by households last year: 79 The Appeal is the main funding sources of the Church of Western Washington, accounting for almost half its revenue. Parishes benefit directly from Archdiocesan services in terms of the management of staff payroll and services, the Safe Environment program and consultation on facilities, personnel matters, religious education, liturgy and loans for facilities. The ACA also helps fund the training of seminarians, the CYO camps and athletics, the marriage tribunal and much more. The largest single use of funds goes to the Catholic Schools Department, which oversees 72 schools serving almost 20,000 students.
Paying the Appeal is really not an option for any parish. Half the revenue for the Archiocese comes from the Appeal, and the AD can’t afford to let parishes get by without making their goals. If we can’t pay the Appeal by our donations, the Archdiocese will bill the Parish for the shortfall, and we really don’t have the financial flexibility to do that.
In addition, any funds that come in after the appeal goal is met come back to us and will be used to defray the cost of the new hearing loop system. Please support the Appeal by clicking here.
Still getting ACA solicitations after making a gift? If so, it is imperative that you let Diane know so she can correct our records! Please email her at paa@st-therese.cc. Let her know whatever you can remember about the gift: amount? date? online? check? check number?
Ministry Opportunities We still need more liturgical ministers! We especially need lay presiders, choir members and livestream operators! If you would like to help, please email Nicole at nicoles@st-therese.cc.
July ’21 thru May ’22 July ’20 thru May ’21
Collections Income $383,367 $412,093
Net Income ($ 5,021) ($ 4,631)
Savings Reserve $74,692 $82,574