This reading from the First Letter of Peter is an interesting mashup of several strains of first century Christianity. The author starts by saying we will be judged by our works; the importance of works is stressed by James but Paul insists that we are justified by faith alone. The author then says that we are ransomed by the blood of Christ, a major Pauline theme, and that Christ was “known before the foundation of the world”, a statement of Johannine Christology. That’s a lot of ground covered in four verses!
This faith versus works issue has been a rift in the universal Church that has been tragic. Paul stresses that faith means loving one another. Loving one another means acting upon your love. There is a popular meme that summarizes Pope Francis’ thought on prayer and works, “You pray for the hungry, then you feed them. That’s how prayer works.” This is what is means to conduct ourselves with reverence as we journey through our lives. Let us pray and let us love and let us be about God’s work! (For more on this meme see
During this Covid-19 crisis, we can best love each other by honoring the Governor’s “Stay Home / Stay Healthy” order. In Washington, we seem to have “flattened the curve”. This is not a good time to relax, however! We need to stay the course and defeat this disease!
We know that many parishioners have been laid off or furloughed in these tragic times. If you are one of the fortunate households who still have their regular income, please remember both your parish and the St. Vincent de Paul Society. Your parish would like to keep our staff intact, and the demands on St. Vincent are greater than ever.
Our current year’s collections are once again ahead of last year. Last week I mentioned we had 17 households open PushPay accounts. That was followed up by 6 new accounts! Thank you for your financial stewardship of your parish is these difficult times!
You can make a contribution online at and clicking on the “Donate Now” button or use the Push-Pay app on your phone. If you are giving through automatic transfers, please go onto your phone and download the Push-Pay app. When you get to “search for your church” enter “saint therese.” Be sure to send a note to Diane Figaro at so she can discontinue your automatic transfer through our current agent. Of course, checks are also accepted. The mailing address of the office is 3416 E. Marion Street, Seattle, 98122.
Contributions to St Vincent de Paul can be made at their website: St. Therese Conference) or mailed to the parish office at the above address. Make checks payable to the St Vincent de Paul Society.