Mass times at St. Therese have changed to 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. effective July 7. Daily masses are celebrated at St. Joseph Church at 7 a.m. Tuesday through Friday. See you in Church!
Why support the Annual Catholic Appeal for the Archdiocese of Seattle? Your donation supports Catholic parishes and outreach ministries like Mental Health, Prison ministry, Hospital chaplains, multi-cultural ministries, Inclusion for people with different abilities and many more. Please give today through the ACA link on our parish website or at #AnnualCatholicAppeal
This year, the St. Therese ACA goal is $43,859. Please consider giving today by visiting #AnnualCatholicAppeal or by using the card in the pews.
Thank you in advance for your generosity!
ST. THERESE is a Spiritual Home where together we
Worship with Joy, Work for Justice, Grow in God's Love